For women ready to take back control of their health with a high touch coaching experience

Who want to stop feeling at the mercy of their PMS symptoms and start understanding their hormones, beating chronic fatigue, losing stubborn belly fat, and improving their confidence overall

1:1 Hormone-Optimized nutrition & fitness Coaching

What one online client says about her time in my 1:1 coaching program…

“My period is the most manageable it has been in years!”

“As a woman with a new hypothyroidism diagnosis and hormonal issues following the birth of my daughter, I ballooned to my highest weight.

I dabbled in low-carb eating and solo training programs but nothing stuck - I’d see 2 weeks of progress and then drift into old habits.

Sasha took on all the hard work that I found so daunting and made it easy for me. She showed me the importance of consistency in exercising AND eating regularly.

My first menstrual period after adopting these changes came right on time: exactly day 28 and with no initial fatigue, cramps, heavy bleeding, or clots.”

~ Lauren

Ready to regain control of your hormones and achieve a vibrant, energetic, and confident you?

Are you tired of… 

  • Doing all the “right things” yet your hormones and metabolism are still a mess?

  • Always being on a diet but never seeing any results while the men in your life lose weight just by thinking about it?

  • Restricting what you eat and being absolutely miserable then binging every weekend and “ruining your progress”?

  • Confusion caused by food rules always changing and not knowing what’s actually healthy for you?

  • Putting your life on hold every month because of your heavy periods and PMS?

  • Dealing with painful and irregular periods, chronic fatigue, bloating, and irritability?

  • Working out “all the time” but not seeing any difference in the mirror?

  • Suffering for nothing because you never see the number on the scale budge or your health improve?

Join my 1:1 online coaching program & discover how optimizing your hormonal health unlocks the key to your weight loss journey!

  • Get a step-by-step plan showing EXACTLY how to reach your hormonal health and fitness goals

  • Learn the skills necessary to make sure you maintain your results for life… this is no quick fix 6 week challenge!

  • Receive personalized support and accountability from me to help you reach the “finish line”

visual preview of fitness app

What another online client says about working 1:1 with me…

“I lost 11 inches total and 10 lbs.”

“I was skeptical at first when I saw the amount of calories I was starting with. It was at least 500 calories higher than I was used to having while trying to lose weight.

Sasha was there to support me and answer any questions I had. Her positive approach to learning how to use macros has been life-changing.

For me, this journey helped me have a better relationship with food. And yes, the workouts are amazing, too.”

~ Kelly

Introducing my….

1:1 Online Coaching Program

CycleSync Elite: Hormone-Optimized Coaching

A high touch, 6 month in-app program designed for women who are:

  • Ready for a healthier and more confident version of themselves, led by me… straight to their Biggest Health and Fitness Breakthroughs Ever!

  • Prepared to commit to improving their strength, stamina, and longevity with an effective weight training routine (women need this to beat osteoporosis!)

  • Desiring the guidance of a certified women’s health coach planning their workouts, menstrual cycle centric nutrition plans, and hormone focused supplement regime

  • Wanting online macro coaching to set their calories, a custom meal plan based on their menstrual cycle, and help with staying on top of their nutrition with no strict rules

  • Interested in learning more about their unique female hormones and finally achieving easier, pain free periods

  • Wanting 24/7 chat access to their coach and weekly check ins for support, guidance, and accountability

  • Craving the added bonus of community support from fellow determined, health-conscious, and inspiring women

  • Seeking a budget-friendly alternative to in-person personal training, while still benefiting from the tailored support of a 1:1 online program

Your journey to balanced hormones and improved fat loss starts now!

Fill out the form below to start training with me 1:1 on the CycleSync app, and I’ll be in touch soon!

Sasha Lukaszczyk posing with arms stretched behind her head


I know what it’s like to be fed up with what you see in the mirror and to feel like all the previous diets and workout programs you’ve done got you no closer to where you want to be. (HINT: It’s cause they were designed for men!)

This high touch, app-based 1:1 program is specifically designed for women who are tired of not understanding their bodies, feeling like strangers in their own skin. It provides you with a blueprint of the exact nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes that will allow you to achieve hormonal balance and your fittest, healthiest body ever.

Losing weight, building muscle, and balancing your hormones— ALL of these things are possible when you change your relationship with food, fitness, and your feminine health, guided by a women’s health certified trainer who has helped hundreds of clients and has gone through the very same transformation too.

In 6 months, you can:

  • Push past your fears and implement lifestyle changes that ACTUALLY move the needle, making you feel better, not just look better

  • Completely transform your hormones and gut health and no longer fear your period

  • Lose inches, see muscle definition, beat bloat, and have an increase in strength and stamina

  • Learn how to KEEP those results permanently

stop the quick fix programs that don’t work and achieve lasting results to be proud of!

The CycleSync Elite: Hormone-Optimized nutrition and fitness coaching app is your guaranteed path to actual results, more confidence, and balanced hormones.

Are you ready to put yourself first and get the results you’ve been dreaming of for so long?

What another online client says about working with me…

“She set me up with the tools I need to succeed!”

“My initial goal was weight loss and toning up my body. I worked with Sasha for 16 weeks so far and have lost 12.7 lbs.

This is truly a lifestyle change! My relationship with food is totally different, and my mental and physical health have improved so much, and for that, I am grateful!!”

~ Shannon

before/after photos of young woman's 16-pound weight loss

How does online fitness and nutrition coaching work on an app?

With my app, you’ll get the support and guidance of a personal trainer in an easy-to-navigate app you can keep in your pocket!

Nutrition, workouts, progress trackers, check-ins with me, and more are all in one space to keep you organized and focused on what really matters: your follow-through!

When you join CycleSync Elite, you’ll get:

screenshots of in-app nutrition plan

personalized Nutrition Plan based on your menstrual cycle

  • Personalized calorie and macro split for your unique body, hormonal needs, dietary preferences, diet history, and goals

  • A custom meal plan structured by menstrual cycle phases (including seed cycling!) with recommended portion sizes to visualize how your macros can work for you

  • Integration with Cronometer, a food-logging app to help you track calories and macros

screenshots of in-app fitness training plan

personalized Fitness Plan

  • Individualized, progressive workouts for beginners to the more advanced that’s designed for gym or home workouts

  • Recommended equipment list for home or the gym

  • Demo videos for proper form and integrated progress tracking to monitor strength gains

  • Ability to film workouts for form feedback from me

screenshots of in-app check-ins and zoom calls

Weekly Check-ins & Support

  • Private in-app Data Portal to track your nutrition, workouts, body measurements, progress pics, mental health, and more

  • Weekly in app check ins to assess your progress and make any necessary changes to your plan

  • 24/7 in-app chat access to me with the ability to also send voice notes and digital media

  • Optional weekly Zoom calls for that personal touch to celebrate wins and immediately address questions so you keep up momentum

community support & LIVE CLASSES IN A PRIVATE FB group FOR LIFE

  • Livestreams where I will discuss new topics, host Q&A’s, or hold live workout classes to ensure you’re always learning and growing

  • Topics will range from all things women’s hormones to best weight training methods to nutrition myth debunks

  • All held in a private FB community of fellow female clients where you’ll have access for life!


  • A cookbook of my personal favorite hormone supporting recipes with 5 recipes PER meal divided up by phase of your menstrual cycle

  • Full recipe guidance including calories, macros, and cook time

screenshots of macro-tracking ebook


  • Tutorials and tips on food labels, scales, and tracking apps to eliminate diet confusion and explain what a macro even is

  • Recipes and tips for guesstimating portions and eating out to help take the pain out of meal planning and eating on the go

P.S. If you made it to the bottom of this page, I value your time and look forward to talking to you soon about your hormonal health journey and working with you 1:1 in my online program CycleSync Elite: Hormone-Optimized Coaching.

Your hormones are incredibly important when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle with a body you feel confident and strong in.

Losing fat, building muscle, maintaining a fast metabolism, or whatever else your health and fitness goal is requires a regular menstrual cycle and balanced hormones to achieve. But not many fitness coaches talk about that or have expertise in it.

Let's advocate for a more thorough approach, one that empowers women to explore alternative solutions and get to the core of their health challenges.

I know taking the first step into a lifestyle change and towards a “new you” can be scary, overwhelming, and full of uncertainty. 

But let me leave you one piece of advice: Focus on the one next step in front of you to make the process easier and less scary.

Embrace your full potential and prioritize your health with this journey that I’m honored to join you and help you on!