placing my health first gave me a stronger body and a stronger mind.

female personal trainer in denver looking fit in a bikini

before/after photos showing female personal trainer's transformation from abused to powerful

When I was in college, I hit an all-time low. I was trapped in an emotionally and sexually abusive relationship. I was manipulated by a person that convinced me they were the one. I was degraded by someone I trusted over and over again. I was made to think I wasn’t worthy of anyone else’s affections and that no one would love me but him. I lived a life of fantastical romantic dates that you thought only happened in movies. But they were always trailed by explosive, violent fights.

When I thought life couldn’t possibly get worse with him, I soon had to face a life without him.

After a roller-coaster year together, we broke up, and I was left with a million shattered pieces that was myself that I had to somehow put back together. I was alienated from my friends. Alone, I was lost and directionless. My sense of worth and self-esteem was diminished. All because of him. One person took everything from me.

But he didn’t take me away from the gym.

I never knew how vital this so called “hobby” would become to me. I never knew that it would turn into so much more. I never knew that it would somehow save my life. At my lowest point, it provided me with an escape. It was something I could put my energy into that would make me stronger and not just physically. But mentally and emotionally stronger.

I began taking weightlifting much more seriously. I focused on setting personal weight records. I tightened up my diet and nourished my body with food that made me feel good. (No more nights of binge drinking six packs alone in my candlelit room) I set goals for myself that were selfish for once. Goals that benefited me and only me. Goals that I had to work towards. Every. Single. Day.

I transformed my body, which in turn, transformed my mind and soul. I lived and breathed self-improvement and self-love.

And I won.

I became myself again. Myself and so much more. I am the woman I’ve always dreamed to be, and the most exciting part is that I’m evolving more each day. Like a phoenix risen from their own ashes, I fell off the precipice, I lost myself, I felt absolute despair.

And I soared above it. And now it’s my turn to help you.

You, too, can soar above. Your past does not define you. You are not stuck, you are not hopeless, and you are not worthless. I don’t just provide workouts, I provide self-worth. With me, you can grow strong, and you can learn to be yourself again.