For women who feel like strangers in their own bodies

Recommit to yourself to feel better, gain confidence, increase strength, and achieve a leaner body

1:1 Online Personal Trainer Services

*No cost, no obligation, and no credit card required to book a call

What my clients say about me…

“Sasha will push you to levels you think are crazy, but in the end, you feel like a badass for doing it. “

“For years, I have been battling my weight and trying to be healthy.

Sasha helped me take back control of my health and be conscious of what I need to feel amazing.

She has given me the tools and knowledge that I will continue to use and grow as an active person.

If you’re looking to be inspired and motivated, I highly recommend Sasha. You won’t be disappointed!”

~ Emi

Feel confident and strong with workouts you can do anywhere

(Yes, not only a gym!)

For women who want to love what they see in the mirror…

MeetYourFitness Virtual Personal Training

With packages ranging from a session-by-session basis to economical 3+ month commitments, you’ll step into...

a stronger, more confident you and be led (firmly but lovingly!) by me… straight to your Biggest Health and Fitness Breakthroughs Ever!

  • Get a personalized workout plan packed with no b.s. fundamental exercises that deliver result

  • NASM-certified trainer working alongside you who has helped hundreds of clients and been in your shoes

  • Effective and personalized virtual workouts conducted via Zoom

  • Safe training with form demonstrations in real-time

  • Added structure and accountability from scheduled, recurring training sessions

  • Push past your fears and implement lifestyle changes that ACTUALLY move the needle

  • See muscle definition and have an increase in strength and stamina

  • Know how to KEEP those results permanently



*No cost, obligation, or credit card required to book a call

What my clients say about me…

“I was looking for a trainer who would not only push me to my limits but also remind me that I deserve the time to give back to myself.”

“She’s personal, professional, and real - something that I almost never see in trainers.

When Covid-19 stopped us all dead in our tracks, and everyone was trying to figure out how to adjust, Sasha moved to virtual workouts without skipping a beat. The workouts are still rewarding and refreshing.

In fact, I think the workouts have shown me more than ever that Sasha is truly committed to the work and her clients.”

~ Dani

young woman's before/after weight loss transformation

I was intimidated by exercise, too…

I was so intimidated and didn’t have a plan to follow, so I stuck to the treadmills (which didn’t get me the results I wanted).

I would walk into a gym feeling incredibly overwhelmed by the number of machines and men hogging up the free weights section. 

But when I got past everything that held me back and saw what weightlifting and flexible dieting could do for me, I never looked back!

before/after of young woman's bodybuilding transformation

MeetYourFitness online personal training sessions are for you if you are ready to improve your fitness with workouts customized to your individual goals, fitness level, and preferred workout location (at home or the gym) and want guidance and support to remain consistent.

How does online fitness coaching work?

screenshots of personalized fitness plan

personalized Fitness Plan

Individualized, progressive workouts tailored to your goals, fitness level, and physical capabilities. Your personal blueprint for success! 

  • Exercises include bodyweight movements, weightlifting, banded exercises, core/pilates work, mobility work, and more. 

  • Customized for the gym or in-home workouts!

screenshot of virtual training sessions with a personal trainer

60-Minute 1:1 Virtual Sessions 

Support, guidance, and motivation from a certified trainer in real-time. 

  • Demonstrating proper form, checking your form, providing tips and encouragement to help you give your best during your workouts 

  • Recommended at-home/gym bag equipment list, so you’re ready to werk wherever you work out

screenshots of macro-tracking ebook

Ditch Diets: Macros Made Easy ( $99 value-Yours free)

  • Tutorials and tips on food labels, scales, and tracking apps to eliminate diet confusion and explain what a macro even is

  • Recipes and tips for eating out to help take the pain out of meal planning and eating on the go

Unlimited Online Support 

  • Call me, text me, slide into my inbox – whatever works for you, even outside our weekly real-time sessions.

  • I never want you to feel alone on this journey, so reach out anytime you have a question, need to vent, or want to share a milestone!

screenshots of custom-made nutrition plan

Optional ADd-on Nutrition Plan

Reach your health and fitness goals faster when you add a nutrition program to your training sessions:

  • Personalized calorie and macro split for your unique body, dietary preferences, diet history, and goals

  • Sample meal plan with recommended portion sizes to visualize how your custom macros can work for you on a standard day

*No cost, obligation, or credit card required to book a call

What my clients say about me…

“Her workouts are customized based on the person and ability.”

“She always starts my workout asking how I’m feeling.

Sasha is prompt, prepared, keeps count/time of my sets, and, most importantly, keeps me honest.  No cheating is allowed, but whining still is! 

I still work up a sweat, and I’m typically sore a day later because Sasha continues upping the ante.  Even while remote, Sasha is able to monitor my form and suggest adjustments.”

~ Kara

P.S. If you made it to the bottom of this page, I value your time and look forward to hopping on a call to learn more about your fitness journey and welcome you into the MeetYourFitness Virtual Training Program.

Fitness is not one size fits all, but there is a specific fit for EVERYONE
regardless of age, gender, body type, experience level, and physical capabilities.

Taking the first step into a lifestyle change and towards a “new you” can be scary, overwhelming, and full of uncertainty. 

Let me leave you one piece of advice: Focus on the one next step in front of you to make the process easier and less scary.

Remember: You only have 1 body. Make it a safe home that you’re proud to be in.

Embrace your full potential and prioritize your health with this journey that I’m honored to join you and help you on! 

with long brown hair in a lacy, feminine top